Live demo of ParkingDetection at Smart Cities India 2019
When it comes to cutting-edge technologies, seeing is believing
Between 22 – 24th of May, visitors of the 5th Smart Cities India Expo expo had an opportunity to experience the state-of-the-art transport technologies (DataFromSky and ParkingDetection included), thanks to our partner in India, the VTRAC Worldwide company and its stall. For three days, visitors in New Delhi could discover what are the newest technologies in the field of traffic analysis, with functions such as video and image analysis, counting of people and vehicles and much more.

Alongside with our partner, we have also prepared a live demo on a nearby parking lot, so the visitors could see these modern technologies in action and not only in slides of presentations or as a part of a demonstration video.

The live demo was prepared within only a few days before the expo itself – this just shows you how simple and fast can installation of even very complex technologies be in real life.