ParkingDetection searches free spaces at road rest areas
Effective monitoring of highway rest areas in Denmark

Highway rest areas are amongst the key applications of the ParkingDetection system, as they allow ParkingDetection to showcase many of its hi-tech functionalities. These parking lots are heterogenous and include parking spots for both personal vehicles and trucks. Actual occupancy data from the parking lot can be easily interconnected with navigation panels and provide drivers (especially of trucks) with valuable information about available parking spots. With our mobile app, drivers can plan even individual mandatory rest-periods more easily and based on the actual occupancy of highway rest areas.
With a visual control of the parking lot, ParkingDetection has something to offer even to the managers of the parking lot, as it allows detection of vehicles violating the maximal parking, which can be blocking the possibility of resting at the parking lot for other drivers. ParkingDetection also enables detection of driving in wrong-way, statistics about the parking lot’s utilization and other handy analytical functions.
Do you think you have available parking spots that could be monitored more effectively? Get in touch at info@parkingdetection.com and we will find the best smart parking solution for you!